6 credit card mistakes that are hurting your score

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Maintaining a good credit habit is crucial for your financial journey. Unfortunately there are mistakes you can make.

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1. Paying late: Your payment history is the most important credit factor. Always prioritize paying on time.

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2. Paying less than the minimum. Ideally you should pay your balance in full. Paying below will drastically hurt your score.

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3. Failing to pay for over 60 days can impose a hefty penalty interest rate. It will take years to get it off your record.

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4. High balances. A credit utilization of less than 30% is good for your score. Any higher and it could hurt.

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5. High debt. If you are overspending and accumulating a lot of debt, you could seriously damage your score.

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6. Canceling old cards. The length of your credit history will get hit. Keeping them active will help you boost it.

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Maintaining good credit will enable you to get approved for attractive cards, loans, and offers that benefit you.

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Keep track of these tips when you use your card. Don't let these credit card mistakes ruin your credit. 

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