How to dispute a job denial due to poor credit

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Employers may conduct checks for jobs that involve roles that involve handling money, or access to confidential info.

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A job candidate can be denied a job by a potential employer due to poor credit history in many US states.

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If you are denied a job due to credit history, you have the right to receive a "pre-adverse action notice".

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A copy of the credit report used in the decision must also be sent by the potential employer to you.

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You can then dispute any errors or inaccuracies in the credit report with the credit bureau and request a correction.

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Employers must inform you that a credit check might be done and get written permission to do the background check.

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If you think you were unfairly denied a job, file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

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Note that not all states have laws protecting job candidates from discrimination based on credit history.

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Overall, if you are denied a job due to their credit history, you can receive a notice and dispute any errors in the report.

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