Stellar Snippets
Having no credit history can make it difficult to get loans or credit cards. However, you can build credit from scratch.
1. Become an authorized user on someone else's credit card. This allows you to piggyback on them and build your score.
2. Apply for a secured credit card, which requires a deposit that serves as your credit limit. Use it to build credit.
3. Have a healthy relationship with a local bank or credit union. Take out a small loan and make payments on time.
4. Another option is to apply for a store card, which is easier to get approved for than a regular credit card.
5. Take out a peer-to-peer loan if you are unable to borrow money from a bank or credit union to build credit.
6. Building credit takes time and patience. Slow and steady progress is better than rushing and damaging your score.
7. Keep track of your credit building progress. Check your credit report for your score and know where you stand.
Remember to pay all bills on time every month, as payment history is significant in determining your credit score.