How to negotiate and remove a late payment

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To negotiate with lenders to remove a late payment from your credit report, call them and ask to have it deleted.

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The first person you talk to may not be able to help you, so you may need to escalate it to a supervisor or manager.

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Try to negotiate a "pay-for-delete" deal, where you pay the debt in exchange for removing it from your report.

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The pay-for-delete method is not guaranteed to work always, but it is worth a try with your lender.

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Write a goodwill adjustment letter to explain your reasons and ask for the missed payment to be removed.

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It is important to be polite and professional when negotiating with lenders. Ensure you negotiate skillfully.

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Before you call or write to them, make sure you have all the documentation in place to support your case.

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Ultimately, the lender has the final say in whether or not to remove the late payment from your credit report.

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To avoid such problems, it is best to make all your payments on time. Automate payments so you don't miss them.

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