
Inflation Spurs 47% of Americans to Doubt Retirement Security

Stellar Snippets

According to a new survey, nearly 47% of Americans believe that achieving retirement security will take a miracle. 

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The survey concluded that the one thing contributing the most to this pessimistic outlook was inflation. 

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84% of the survey participants view recent economic activity as a significant threat to their retirement security.

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48% of the respondents said they expect to encounter challenging trade-offs during retirement.

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Some cited that they expect to live more frugally than anticipated, and some said they predict they'll have to work during retirement.

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Others said they expect they'll have to heavily rely on their friends and family or even sell their home to make ends meet.

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Due to inflation, Americans now believe they will need $1.27 million to retire. 

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On an optimistic note, the U.S. retirement security score has improved to 71% and 52% of Americans say they are looking forward to financial freedom during retirement. 

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What's important to remember as pre-retirees is that inflation is temporary and it will subside.
