
The top 10 college degrees with the highest pay

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Hefty student loan tabs and high overall costs of college are making students and families reevaluate the value of a degree. 

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However, in the end, your return on investment is primarily determined by your choice of major and degree type.

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A recent U.S. Census Bureau analysis has found that students with degrees in computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or economics tend to earn the most. 

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The report found that workers in those degree fields can earn an annual income of  $100,000 or more. 

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Degrees in education, elementary education, fine arts, family, and consumer sciences typically result in annual earnings of less than $60,000.

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The Census Bureau discovered that men out-earned women in every scenario. Women with computer science degrees earned $91,990, whereas men earned $115,500.

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Similarly, women earned $84,750  with their economics degree and men earned $107,300.

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Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce found that those with bachelor's degrees typically make 75% more than individuals with only a high school diploma.

Editor in chief of The Princeton Review, said, "Just as a rule of thumb, students shouldn’t take on more debt than they expect to earn their first year after graduation."

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