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Credit scores represent your creditworthiness. They can vary for several reasons, according to the search results.
Different credit scoring models: There are different credit scores, credit score providers, and ways to calculate credit.
Although credit scores are calculated using the info in your credit reports, there are many different credit scoring models.
One model may place more importance on one factor, such as payment history, while another may not.
Different credit bureaus: Your credit scores may vary based on which credit bureau furnishes the report.
Not all lenders and creditors report to all three nationwide credit bureaus. Some report to only two, one, or none at all.
Different scoring dates: Scores might change, so compare them from the same date. Scores from different dates may vary.
Different scoring versions: There are dozens of versions of credit scores, from base scores to industry-specific scores.
Different credit products: The types of credit scores used by lenders and creditors may vary based on the industry too.