Account Number

Account Number: What It Is, Where to Find It, and Why It’s Important

What is a bank account number?

Every bank assigns a unique set of digits – ranging from 5 to 12 digits – to a bank account. A bank account is an important financial tool that allows people to conduct their everyday financial transactions. 

The bank account number can be used to access the account holder’s name, address, phone number, account balance, account age, and transaction history.

Where can you find the bank account number?

There are a few ways to locate your bank account number:

  • Check your bank statement. Your bank account number is usually printed on the top of your bank statement, next to your name and address.
  • Check your online banking account. You can usually find your bank account number by logging into your online banking account and navigating to your account summary page.
  • Use your mobile banking app. Many mobile banking apps allow you to view your bank account number by logging in and tapping on the account you want to view.
  • Contact your bank. If you can’t find your bank account number using any of the above methods, you can contact your bank over the phone or in person and they will be able to provide it to you.
  • Check your paper check. Paper checks usually have three sets of numbers at the bottom. One is the bank’s routing number. This is similar to a bank account number, except it is a unique 9-digit number assigned to financial institutions. They can either be Routing Transit Numbers (RTNs) or American Bankers Association (ABA) routing numbers. In the middle is the bank account number, and towards the end is the check number.

Security of a bank account number

Banks have put in place rigorous security features to protect account numbers. One common security feature is requiring customers to answer a security question – like “What is your mother’s maiden name?” or “What was the name of your first pet?” – whenever they change bank account details, such as their password. Multi-factor authentication is another widely used method to prevent hackers from stealing sensitive information. This requires customers to pass two or more levels of authentication such as password, fingerprint, or a one-time, time-sensitive code sent to their registered mobile number. 

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