How to check business credit score?

Home Forums Credit Reports & Scores How to check business credit score?

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  • #8574
    Geoff Massanek
    Team StellarFi

    Like your personal credit score, which is calculated based on credit reports from Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®, your business credit score is also calculated based on reports from business credit reporting agencies. The three major ones are Dun & Bradstreet®, Experian, and Equifax.

    Unlike your personal credit score which is standardized, each credit reporting agency has its own individual factors based on which credit scores are calculated. These scores can mostly be accessed for a fee. To access your business credit score with Dun & Bradstreet, you need to apply for a DUNS® number which is free but will take 30 days to receive. With Dun & Bradstreet, you get a Paydex score (this assesses payment performance much like payment history), a delinquency score (how likely the business is to pay late in the next 12 months), and a failure score (the likelihood that the business will apply for bankruptcy in the next 12 months), along with several other ratings and predictors. A high Paydex score indicates better payment history. High delinquency and failure scores indicate lower risk.

    Experian’s CreditScoreSM report includes your business credit summary report, business public records, payments summary trends, and account histories. You can purchase the CreditScore Report through Experian’s website for $39.95/report.

    Equifax calculates multiple scores in its business credit report as well – credit risk score, business failure score, and payment index score. As a business owner, your Equifax Business credit report can be accessed for free on the condition that you provide proof of the fact that you are applying for some kind of business credit like a loan or credit card. You can also buy credit reports from other businesses from Equifax.

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