When do credit cards report?

Home Forums Credit Cards When do credit cards report?

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  • #32891
    Geoff Massanek
    Geoff Massanek

    Credit card companies typically report to the credit bureaus once a month. 

    This report usually happens after your statement closing date but might not align exactly with your payment due date. 

    Since the exact timing varies from one credit card issuer to another, you’ll want to check it directly with your credit card company.

    Here’s why the day they send the report matters: Imagine you’ve spent a lot of your allowed money on your credit card. If the credit card company reports before you pay off some of what you’ve spent, it might look like you always spend a lot of your available money. This can make your credit score—a big deal number that tells banks how good you are with money—go down a bit.

    So, knowing when your credit card company sends the report is like knowing the best time to clean up your room before someone checks it. If you clean up (or pay down your credit card) before the report goes out, everything looks better, and your credit score can stay strong or even go up.

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